Create schema and load data in MySQL using python

I wanted to create a staging area in mysql to build Datawarehouse from bunch of csv files.
Before uploading the data in mysql I would want to perform some data quality check.

  1. Read csv or read data from the source API.
  2. Load only files we need from the directory.
  3. perform data quality check
    • find duplicate rows
    • find if dataset has a primary key
    • check for null values
  4. set up mysql engine
  5. fuction to generate SQL to create schema in mysql
  6. load csv using panda
    • perform data cleaning tasks on each file
    • load dataframe in mysql
    • clean memory after each load

First Import following libraries

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
## set the connection to the db
import sqlalchemy
import pymysql
from IPython.display import Image

About data:


Since CMS released the claims payment information for 2012, CMS has received a growing number of data requests for provider enrollment data, and there is a growing interest from the health care industry to identify Medicare-enrolled providers and suppliers and their associations to groups/organizations.

CMS continues to move toward data transparency for all non-sensitive Medicare provider and supplier enrollment data. This aligns with the agency’s effort to promote and practice data transparency for Medicare information. Publishing this data allows users, including other health plans, to easily access and validate provider information against Medicare data.


The Public Provider Enrollment files will include enrollment information for providers and suppliers who were approved to bill Medicare at the time the file was created. The data elements on the files are disclosable to the public. This data will focus on data relationships as they relate to Medicare provider enrollment.

The provider enrollment data will be published on and will be updated on a quarterly basis. The initial data will consist of individual and organization provider and supplier enrollment information similar to what is on Physician Compare; however, it will be directly from PECOS and will only be updated through updates to enrollment information. Elements will include:

  • Enrollment ID and PECOS Unique IDs
  • Provider or Supplier Enrollment Type and State
  • Provider’s or Supplier’s First and Last Name/ Legal Business Name
  • Gender
  • NPI
  • Provider or Supplier Specialty
  • Limited address information (City, State, ZIP code)

Data exploratory

lets import a example csv file

example_df = pd.read_csv('Data/Clinic_Group_Practice_Reassignment_A-D.csv')
Group PAC ID Group Enrollment ID Group Legal_Business Name Group State Code Group Due Date Group Reassignments and Physician Assistants Record Type Individual Enrollment ID Individual NPI Individual First Name Individual Last Name Individual State Code Individual Specialty Description Individual Due Date Individual Total Employer Associations
0 1153364203 O20050609000145 A & A Audiology, Pc TX NaN 1 Reassignment I20050609000172 1.306861e+09 Tonia Fleming TX Audiologist NaN 2
1 1759440886 O20081105000006 A & A Chiropractic. Llc NJ NaN 1 Reassignment I20080819000132 1.134400e+09 Sharon Barnum NJ Chiropractic NaN 1
2 1153442256 O20101222000765 A & A Eye Associates, Pc PA 09/30/2017 2 Reassignment I20101222000889 1.538155e+09 Daniel Anderson PA Optometry 09/30/2017 1
3 1153442256 O20101222000765 A & A Eye Associates, Pc PA 09/30/2017 2 Reassignment I20091118000149 1.407852e+09 Amanda Temnykh PA Optometry 07/31/2016 1
4 3274425004 O20040326000876 A & A Health Systems, Inc MS NaN 1 Reassignment I20040329000500 1.063480e+09 Sheryll Vincent MS Pediatric Medicine NaN 1
5 4082882519 O20110727000379 A & A Hearing Group, Ps WA 06/30/2016 2 Reassignment I20110727000462 1.396781e+09 Ashley Al Izzi WA Audiologist 08/31/2016 1

Lets look at the data types of dataframe

dtype_pd = pd.DataFrame(example_df.dtypes, columns = ['data_type']).reset_index()
unique_records = pd.DataFrame(example_df.nunique(), columns = ['unique_records']).reset_index()
info_df = pd.merge(dtype_pd, unique_records, on = 'index')
index data_type unique_records
0 Group PAC ID int64 59730
1 Group Enrollment ID object 63038
2 Group Legal_Business Name object 59176
3 Group State Code object 55
4 Group Due Date object 35
5 Group Reassignments and Physician Assistants object 542
6 Record Type object 2
7 Individual Enrollment ID object 450876
8 Individual NPI float64 429093
9 Individual First Name object 39181
10 Individual Last Name object 134023
11 Individual State Code object 56
12 Individual Specialty Description object 169
13 Individual Due Date object 35
14 Individual Total Employer Associations int64 51

It seams that there’s no primary key in our DataFrame lets check that:

print('Is there a column with unique values in entire dataFrame? : ', len(example_df) in info_df['unique_records'])

Is there a column with unique values in entire dataFrame? : False

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
Group PAC ID 552790.0 4.962019e+09 2.888691e+09 4.210108e+07 2.567352e+09 4.880689e+09 7.517196e+09 9.931498e+09
Individual NPI 552788.0 1.499834e+09 2.881970e+08 1.003000e+09 1.245784e+09 1.497990e+09 1.750322e+09 1.993000e+09
Individual Total Employer Associations 552790.0 2.927397e+00 5.034805e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 2.000000e+00 3.000000e+00 7.800000e+01
#Are there duplicate Rows?
print('Total rows repeating is/are', sum(example_df.duplicated()))

Total rows repeating is/are 0

Conclusion from data Quality Check

  • DataFrame columns have space in them, we’ll have to remove them before writing sql
  • Data has to be converted in mysql data type
  • Dataframe has no primary key column
  • We will have to create a PK in mySql with our schema query
  • We will need to have assign BIGINT for INT columns, since there max exceeds INT criteria
  • No Duplicate records

Connect to Mysql

We’ll have to do follow following procedure

  • Rename column name
  • Set up a connection to MySql
  • Define Data Mapping as per MySql
  • Write a function to return a sql schema according to input dataframe.
  • Close connection
#engine = sqlchemy.create_engine('mysql+pymsql://<username>:<password>@<server-name>:<port_number>/<database_name>')
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('mysql+pymysql://root:info7370@localhost:3306/try_python')


sql_table_name= 'provider'
initial_sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " +str(sql_table_name)+ "(key_pk INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY"

def rename_df_cols(df):
    '''Input a dataframe, outputs same dataframe with No Space in column names'''
    col_no_space =  dict((i, i.replace(' ','')) for i in list(df.columns))
    df.rename(columns= col_no_space, index= str, inplace= True)
    return df

def dtype_mapping():
    '''Returns a dict to refer correct data type for mysql'''
    return {'object' : 'TEXT',
        'int64' : 'BIGINT',
        'float64' : 'FLOAT',
        'datetime64' : 'DATETIME',
        'bool' : 'TINYINT',
        'category' : 'TEXT',
        'timedelta[ns]' : 'TEXT'}

#engine = sqlchemy.create_engine('mysql+pymsql://<username>:<password>@<server-name>:<port_number>/<database_name>')

def create_sql(engine, df, sql = initial_sql):
    '''input engine: engine (connection for mysql), df: dataframe that you would like to create a schema for,
        outputs Mysql schema creation'''

    df = rename_df_cols(df)

    col_list_dtype = [(i, str(df[i].dtype)) for i in list(df.columns)]

    map_data= dtype_mapping()

    for i in col_list_dtype:
        key = str(df[i[0]].dtypes)
        sql += ", " + str(i[0])+ ' '+ map_data[key]
    sql= sql + str(')')
    print('\n', sql, '\n')
        conn = engine.raw_connection()
    except ValueError:
        print('You have connection problem with Mysql, check engine parameters')
    cur = conn.cursor()
    except ValueError: 
        print("Ohh Damn it couldn't create schema, check Sql again")
create_sql(engine, df= example_df)

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS provider(key_pk INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, GroupPACID BIGINT, GroupEnrollmentID TEXT, GroupLegal_BusinessName TEXT, GroupStateCode TEXT, GroupDueDate TEXT, GroupReassignmentsandPhysicianAssistants TEXT, RecordType TEXT, IndividualEnrollmentID TEXT, IndividualNPI FLOAT, IndividualFirstName TEXT, IndividualLastName TEXT, IndividualStateCode TEXT, IndividualSpecialtyDescription TEXT, IndividualDueDate TEXT, IndividualTotalEmployerAssociations BIGINT)



Load bulk csv files in sequence:

We’ll now load the data in the schema that we just created

  • Define relative path
  • Add Data in your path
  • Search for files that need to be uploaded
  • For loop to read files and load in mysql
  • data cleaning in every loop
  • clearing memory after every loop
import os

from pathlib import Path
mypath = Path().absolute()

data = str(mypath) + str('\\Data\\')
list_of_files = os.listdir(data)
dir_data = [str(data)+str(i) for i in list_of_files if "Clinic_Group_Practice_Reassignment" in i]

def load_data_mysql(dir_data):
    for i in dir_data:
        i = pd.read_csv(i, low_memory= False)
        i.to_sql(name= sql_table_name,con = engine, index =False, if_exists = 'append',)
        lst = list(i)
        del lst

Time to load

Lets calculate the time to run and later we’ll compare it with SSIS



import time
start_time = time.time()
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

— 133.69091987609863 seconds —

Compare SSIS to do the same task

Now if we try to do the same task using Microsoft SSIS Package. We’ll need to follow these steps:

  • Create a schema manually, since it was a single table I wrote SQL script.
SQL script to create new table at the destination
  • Create a data flow. Set up a flat file source connection parameter and destination to empty OLE DB we created in step 1.
  • Remember to manually select data type as unicode or non-unicode STR for each column.
Inner mapping of For-Each loop
  • We need to then set up variable name and folder name where our for loop will take the source data from. Which is again lot of manual work.
For-Each Loop in SSIS
  • Count the total rows in DB which should match.
Total time for the task - SSIS logs


There’s a significant difference in the performance.
With python it took 133 seconds ~ 2 minutes to read, clean and upload, whereas, in SSIS it took 8 minutes.
Python is 400% faster here, with reusable code and completely automated. That’s why I love Python.

— This post ends here—


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